How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco's Life (Published 2015)
weird al and prince :: Article Creator Kate Middleton Disproves Major Prince Harry Claim Hear the words "royal bride" and I'm assuming we all immediately conjure the same image: An immaculately well-bred woman with a pedigree that predates the Norman Conquest. (That bloody Frenchie William and his expansionist notions.) A woman who has grown up in some stately pile where the genteelly leaking roof might drip on the occasional Holbein and flatulent ancient labradors stumbling about the place. A woman who can bag a pheasant and an earl's son on the same day without once dropping her drink and a woman totally bereft of anything so dull as professional ambition. Prince William, to his eternal credit, was having none of it. This Monday will mark 13 years since he wed middle-class university graduate Kate Middleton, officially marking her transition from Bucklebury convenience store regular (Haribo sweets were a particular ...