
40+ Funny Pranks To Do On Brother

harmless senior pranks :: Article Creator

Dad Takes His 2 Kids And Leaves His Wife At A Restaurant After The 'Embarrassing' Prank She Pulled

When harmless and funny — like hiding fake insects to scare relatives or replacing family photos with that of a celebrity — pranks are an enjoyable form of entertainment that elicit hilarious reactions.

However, it's imperative to be mindful and not take them too far, as one mom did.

In his Reddit post, the man explained that he has been with his 35-year-old wife for 10 years, and they have an 8-year-old daughter and a 5-year-old son together.

"We have had good times and bad times in our relationship, but we have always managed to get through it together," the dad wrote. "Until last weekend — now I am questioning everything."

man reconsidering his marriage while looking out window Marjan ApostolovicShutterstock

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He explained that she recently developed an interest in prank videos on YouTube and has begun pulling harmless and funny pranks on him and their kids. However, she recently took a certain prank way too far during an anniversary dinner.

"She seemed absent for most of the evening, and I didn't pay attention," he said. "While she was waiting for our meal, she suddenly stood up and started screaming that I was choking her. She was holding her throat, tripping and falling to the ground, pretending to choke."

The scene attracted the attention of concerned guests and employees in the restaurant, but the dad was bewildered. He surely did not anticipate that his wife's volatile behavior was her idea of a prank.

"I was in shock and trying to figure out what was going on. A few people came over to try to help her, and I just stood there, unable to understand," he expressed. "Then she started laughing and said, 'I'm kidding.'"

The dad said he was 'mortified' and 'angry' by his wife's childish and harmful prank.

"The kids were crying, the other customers were staring at us, and the manager came over to see what was wrong," the dad detailed. "I couldn't believe she thought it was funny."

He added that the other guests were "disgusted" once they realized what unfolded, and the manager continued questioning them, understandably concerned and confused.

"I told her I had had enough and couldn't take any more pranks like this. I took the kids and left alone, leaving her at the restaurant," he wrote. We went home. I packed a duffel bag for the kids and me and went to my brother's."

dad carrying kid leaving house with packed duffel bag TommLCanva Pro

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The wife continuously called and texted her husband, claiming he overreacted in leaving her behind and she was only joking. However, admitting that it was just a joke doesn't undo the damage of her thoughtless prank. 

"She thinks I owe her an apology," he shared. "Our friends are divided. Some think I was right to leave, and others think I should have handled the situation differently."

While the husband could have reacted differently, he was valid for feeling angry and embarrassed after his wife put him and his kids in an uncomfortable position. Suffice it to say that pulling a choking prank in the middle of a restaurant is bound to result in a disaster.

Reddit users agreed the mom's prank was far from funny. Rather, they felt it was inappropriate and traumatic.

Pranks can certainly be entertaining, but when not approached ethically, they can go horribly wrong, as they're essentially playing with others' emotions.

Harmless prank New AfricaShutterstock

"I am a full-grown adult and just recently witnessed my mom faint and fall to the floor at a restaurant. Thankfully, it ended up being nothing serious, but I am still scarred by it," one person shared in the comments. "I can't imagine what kind of harm that did to those kids."

And that's one of the biggest issues in all of this. Rachel Melville-Thomas, child psychotherapist and spokesperson for the Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP), explained to the BBC that although young children understand and enjoy jokes, pranks are a whole different ballgame. They can't grasp that style of humor yet, and ultimately, because it's coming from a parent, it's a violation of trust. 

Out of all the pranks the wife could have chosen to pull in the middle of a public place, she faked a serious health concern that not only terrified her kids and strangers but painted her husband as an abuser, which could have escalated into something much worse.

"Didn't she realize that you could have been hurt by that? Imagine the trauma of your kids watching their father being attacked by strangers or taken into police custody," someone pointed out. "Those kinds of jokes could have even got you in jail since many police officers would arrest you first and ask questions later in these situations."

It's one thing to play harmless jokes on each other in the quiet of your home, but it's another to pretend you're being harmed while in a public place surrounded by strangers. All this behavior does is reduce the chances of others taking you seriously in the future.

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Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human-interest, adventure, and spirituality topics. 

One Of The Best Senior Pranks Ever Is From Almost 10 Years Ago

Schools are closing for the summer and seniors are graduating, and that means teachers and principals everywhere can breathe a sigh of relief knowing they've survived another year of school pranks.

The best pranks are both hilarious and good-natured, such as the pranksters who hired a mariachi band this year to follow their principal all day. Other pranks are just the opposite, like the dozens of students charged with burglary and criminal mischief in May after vandalizing their high school overnight. (They didn't even prevent their school from opening as usual the next morning.)

But over the years, few pranks have been able to top this clever collaborative effort by more than 90 Minnesota high schoolers in 2006. Technically they didn't even do anything wrong, although plenty of motorists late for work might disagree.

Luckily, students caught this prank on video from multiple angles and uploaded it to YouTube, which we saw via Mental Floss.

At first, everything seems normal at the crosswalk in front of this Austin, Minnesota high school.

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On second thought, that's one large group of students. And why are they all walking single-file?

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Have patience ...

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... Or turn around.

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Since the two school buildings the dozens of students are walking between are connected by an underground tunnel, the same kids can continuously walk across the street over and over again.

They continue long enough for the line of cars to extend far down the road.

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It's unclear how long they kept this up, although one student in the video states their intention to make it last 15 agonizing minutes.

Some of the students dressed up in cow and chicken costumes. We're guessing that may have been a clever way to drive motorists crazy when they saw the same costume make multiple passes.

Here's the full video:

Friends Try To Cure Woman's 'irrational' Fear Of Jafar With Viral 'immersion Therapy' Prank

A self-identified "90s Disney kid," Kara Carneal remembers watching "Aladdin" for the first time when her parents bought it on VHS. While she liked much of the storyline, Carneal says she just couldn't handle Jafar.

"That was my first time ever experiencing fear," she laughs in an interview with TODAY.Com. "I remember being so scared of him. I only ever watched the movie one time." 

"Aladdin" terrified her so much she slept in her parents' bedroom for years. Decades later, turns out she's still afraid. Carneal went viral last year when her friend, Kyle Philippi, pranked her while wearing a Jafar costume under the pretense of "immersion therapy." 

"I never thought that it would come back to haunt me in such a way," Carneal laughs.

Philippi, speaking to TODAY.Com, says a mutual friend tipped him off to her fear. "One of her closer friends says, 'Well, you know, Kara has that fear of Jafar,'" Philippi tells TODAY.Com. "And I was like, 'Sorry, what?!'"

And so, the idea for the prank was born. Carneal and Philippi's mutual friend bought the costume, then Philippi burst into her apartment in full Jafar gear, speaking to her in a commanding voice. The resulting video, which features Carneal simultaneously terrified and laughing, went viral on TikTok in November 2023.

"Broke into my friend's apartment once I found out that she has an irrational fear of Jafar," the caption says.

The prank got such a spirited reaction from Carneal (and Philippi's internet followers) that he decided to do a follow up. For the second take, Philippi enlisted the help of the original Jafar voice actor, Jonathan Freeman, who recorded a message for Carneal.

Philippi booked Freeman through Cameo, an app where people can purchase personalized videos from celebrities. "He nailed it, and I just practiced over and over again to lip sync it," Philippi says.

The second Jafar prank unfolded on a night Philippi and his wife invited Carneal and her husband over for dinner. When dinner was over, Philippi put on the Jafar costume and turned on the smoke machines.

"Hello... Princess Kara," Freeman's voiceover says. "You've grown so much since you were last a little girl running around the palace." In the video, as the Jafar-costume clad Philippi lip-syncs along, Carneal screams and laughs into a pillow on the couch.  

"Kyle is so extra. He does everything to the millionth degree," Carneal says. "So the fact that he hired the actual voice actor... Just absolutely sent me. I hadn't heard that voice since I was little, and then to hear him actually saying my name?"

Freeman, in an interview with TODAY.Com, says he's used to inspiring fear. After the original movie, the actor went on to play Jafar in countless sequels, TV shows, video games and on Broadway. He says sometimes children would cry when his Jafar would appear on the Broadway stage.

"I felt like, 'Well, I guess I'm doing my job,'" he says.

After watching the viral video, Freeman concludes that Philippi's lip-sync to his voiceover was "really a production."

"It was very elaborate," he chuckles. "Nice, crazy people but crazy."

Carneal says she's not mad her "nice, crazy" friends keep trying to scare her fear of Jafar out of her. Philippi's first video came at a moment when Carneal really needed a laugh: her father had just died.

"It really gave me a reason to laugh, actually laugh, for the first time in so long," she says. "And it gave me a distraction. How could I be mad?"

Since Philippi still has the costume, she's always going to be slightly on alert.

"If you're friends with Kyle (Philippi) at all, you're always going to have a little bit of fear," she laughs. "You're always a little afraid."



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