260 Best Dad Jokes That Are Actually Funny
30 Flirty Knock-Knock Jokes To Make Your Sweetheart Smile
We'll just come right out and say it: Flirtatious jokes and pickup lines can be the ultimate forms of flattery … but you need to choose them wisely and strike just the right tone. Need a little guidance? Give these flirty knock-knock jokes a try. Not only are they on-theme for Valentine's Day, but they also double as hilarious knock-knock pickup lines too!
If you've tried Tinder pickup lines with your latest match, or expressed passion and romance with Valentine's Day pickup lines, then you'll surely love these cute knock-knock jokes below. Whether you're meeting someone for the first time and want to send a flirty text, or you've known them for years, these cute quips are pretty much guaranteed to score you some serious brownie points with your crush or significant other.
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Flirty knock-knock jokes for Valentine's DayReader's Digest
Valentine's Day lands on Feb. 14, so these flirty knock-knock jokes are perfect for adding a touch of romance to moments with your partner. The best part? You can keep the fun going all year round, even after the holiday bids adieu. Happy laughing!
1. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Abby who?
Abby Valentine's Day!
2. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Atlas who?
Atlas, it's Valentine's Day!
3. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Emma who?
Emma hoping I get lots of cards on Valentine's Day!
4. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Jamaica who?
Jamaica valentine for me yet?
5. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Hal who?
Hal about being my valentine?
6. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Eye who?
Eye want to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day!
7. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Heywood who?
Heywood you be my valentine?
8. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Zoo who?
Zoo want to be my valentine?
9. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Peas who?
Peas be my valentine!
10. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Sherwood who?
Sherwood like to be your valentine!
Knock-knock jokes for when you first meetReader's Digest
If Valentine's Day jokes are your go-to for dating, then indulge in the many flirty knock-knock jokes that focus on the beginning stages of every relationship. Ready to make a great first impression?
11. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Wendy who?
Wendy you think we can go on a date?
12. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Police who?
Police tell me I'm your type!
13. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Aherd who?
Aherd you like girls who tell knock-knock jokes!
14. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Owl who?
Owl be seeing you soon, right?
15. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Cheese who?
Cheese a cute girl!
16. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Wire who?
Wire you still not in my phone's contacts list?
17. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Do-ya who?
Do-ya want to be my girlfriend?
18. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Hope who?
Hope you'll go out with me!
19. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Gopher who?
Gopher me, obviously.
Knock-knock jokes for new couplesReader's Digest
The next category on our list of flirty knock-knock jokes is for when you're in a budding romance but not quite long-term yet. Maybe you've just decided you're officially in a relationship or you're on the cusp of finally saying "I love you." Either way, these jokes are sure to remind your significant other why they're with you in the first place. They also make fun pickup lines for guys, especially if you want to hear them giggle too!
20. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Eyesore who?
Eyesore do like you!
21. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Hershey's who?
Hershey's kiss!
22. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Pauline who?
I think I'm Pauline in love with you.
23. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Kiss who?
Kiss me!
24. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Iguana who?
Iguana hold your hand.
25. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Norma Lee.
Norma Lee who?
Norma Lee I don't say this, but I think I'm falling in love with you.
26. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Candice who?
Candice be love I'm feeling right now?
27. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Disguise who?
Disguise your boyfriend!
Knock-knock jokes for long-term relationshipsReader's Digest
So you've known each other for a few years now and can definitely see a future together. Maybe you want to send your "Happy Valentine's Day" wishes in a funny and unexpected way. Even if you've memorized your significant other's quirks and qualms, you can still catch them off-guard with these flirty quips.
28. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Olive who?
Olive you a whole lot.
29. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Juno who?
Juno I love you, don't you?
30. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Ben who?
Ben thinking about you all day.
31. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you stunning.
32. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Snow who?
Snow use—I just can't stop thinking about you.
33. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Anita who?
Anita kiss from you, please!
Knock-knock jokes for married couplesReader's Digest
Whether you've been married for a month, 10 years or 50 years, these adorably flirty knock-knock jokes will make you feel like you just started dating yesterday. Go ahead and give them a try, along with these punny food pickup lines.
34. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Ivana who?
Ivana spend the rest of my life with you.
35. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Honeydew who?
Honeydew you know how much I love you?
36. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Aldo who?
Aldo anything for you!
37. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Baby Yoda.
Baby Yoda who?
Baby, Yoda one for me!
38. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Adore who?
Adore you, who else?
39. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Muffin who?
Muffin in this world can keep us apart.
40. Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Needle who?
I needle little love right now.
Submit your best joke here and get $25 if Reader's Digest runs it.
Why trust usReader's Digest has been telling jokes for more than 100 years, curated and reviewed over the last 20 years by Senior Features Editor Andy Simmons, a humor editor formerly of National Lampoon and the author of Now That's Funny. We've earned prestigious ASME awards for our humor—including comical quips, pranks, puns, cartoons, one-liners, knock-knock jokes, riddles, memes, tweets and stories in laugh-out-loud magazine columns such as "Life in These United States," "All in a Day's Work," "Laughter, the Best Medicine" and "Humor in Uniform," as well as online collections such as short jokes, dad jokes and bad jokes so bad, they're great. You can find a century of humor in our 2022 compendium, Reader's Digest: Laughter, the Best Medicine. Read more about our team, our contributors and our editorial policies.
175 Corny Jokes That'll Crack You Up
If you love corny jokes, then you're in luck, because you've just landed on a veritable gold mine of wisecracks and one-liners to break out in any situation that calls for a bit of comic relief a funny dad joke.
For instance, did you hear about the pasta that went to the dermatologist? Apparently, it had a big ziti. Or, have you ever wondered what kind of shoes frogs wear? Open-toad, naturally.
If those dumb puns made you chuckle, settle in, because there are plenty more ahead. In fact, if bad-but-good jokes are what you've come for, we've got a truckload to help keep the laughs coming. You'll totally crack up over our collection of short gags, like why did the pony ask for a glass of water? Because it was a little horse.
Not to mention, a slew of other corny jokes, knock-knocks and amusing one-liners that are guaranteed to make even the biggest of comedy critics crack a smile. That includes your dad, who's bound to steal these witticisms for his own arsenal of funny jokes.
Whether you're searching for a few laughs to brighten your day, stockpiling corny jokes for the next family gathering, or just have a healthy sense of humor, you'll find enough material here to host your own comedy show or, at the very least, keep your besties in stitches for the foreseeable future.
For example, why shouldn't you marry a calendar? Because its days are numbered. Or, when's the best time to visit the dentist? Tooth-hurty, of course.
Terrible, yes. But also stupid funny and you know it. So, buckle in and cinch your belt, because with all the laughs we're about to deliver, you just might bust a gut.
Corny dad jokes50 Funny Jokes Worthy Of A Knee-Slap And Chuckle
If you're having a bad day, are bored, or need something to spice up a monotonous workday, funny jokes are the way to go. Read them to yourself as a little pick-me-up, or recite them to friends and family as your own. Don't worry! We won't tell.
From the 50 funny jokes on our list, we're all but certain one or more of them will make you smile, chuckle, guffaw, or even snort! Best of all, these jokes are suitable enough to share with kids, so they too can get in on the fun. In the mix of quips are short jokes, jokes for friends, jokes for coworkers, and even knock-knock jokes. You can't mess with the classics!
Read on for giggles galore!
Good Housekeeping
Jokes for KidsDo you want to hear a pizza joke? Nahhh, it's too cheesy!
What did the buffalo say when his son left? Bison!
What do you call a cold dog? A chili dog.
Where do you learn to make banana splits? At sundae school.
What do you call a lion with no eyes? Lon
What did one ocean say to the other? Nothing, they just waved.
I try not to tell dad jokes. But when I do, he thinks they're really funny.
What do cakes and baseball teams have in common? They both need a good batter.
Where do polar bears keep their money? In a snow bank.
Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.
Good Housekeeping
Short JokesWhy are horses so sleepy? They're always hitting the hay.
What did one hat say to the other? You wait here. I'll go on a head.
What insect is the sneakiest? Spy-ders.
Why are trees so unreliable? They're shady.
Why was the broom late for work? It over-swept.
Why are bunnies so great at catch? They always g-rabbit!
What's the best time to go to the dentist? Tooth-hurty!
Why did the two rabbits get on so well? Love was in the hare.
What's it called when french fries hang out? A ketchup.
What do you call two birds in love? Tweethearts
Good Housekeeping
Jokes for Co-WorkersHow does NASA organize a party? They planet.
What is a computer's first sign of old age? Loss of memory.
My boss asked me how good I was at making spreadsheets.I told him I Excel at it.
Why was there a bug in the computer? It was looking for a byte to eat.
What do computers like to eat? Chips.
Where will you find Friday before Thursday? A dictionary.
I pity the calendar. Its days are numbered.
Why did the frog take the bus to work? His car got toad.
How do you stay warm in any room? Go to the corner — it's always 90 degrees.
Why did the developer go broke? Because he used up all his cache.
Good Housekeeping
Jokes for FriendsWhy are Undertakers such good tippers? They pay an arm and a leg.
What kind of tea is hard to swallow? Reali-tea
What is a cloud's least favorite exercise? Yoga. It struggles to feel grounded.
I'm on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it.
What questions should you never ask while winter skating? Icebreakers.
I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.
What snack never gets mad? Pickles. They're cool as a cucumber.
Why did the robber jump in the shower? He wanted to make a clean getaway.
What classic bar game do swimmers always win? Pool.
Besides a rake and shovel, what tool do all gardeners need? A yardstick.
Good Housekeeping
Knock-Knock JokesKnock, knock.Who's there?Boo.Boo who?Don't cry, it's just a joke!
Knock Knock.Who's there?Sherwood!Sherwood who?Sherwood like to come in!
Knock, knock.Who's there?To.To who?No, it's actually "to whom."
Knock knock.Who's there?Radio.Radio who?Radi-o not, here I come.
Knock, knock.Who's there?Lettuce.Lettuce who?Lettuce in, it's cold out here.
Knock, knock.Who's there?Cow says.Cow says who?No, a cow says mooooo!
Knock knock.Who's there?Robin.Robin who?Robin you. Give me your money!
Knock Knock.Who's there?Butter!Butter who?Butter bring an umbrella, it looks like it might rain!
Knock, Knock.Who's there?Goat.Goat who?Goat to the door and find out.
Knock, knock.Who's there?Anita.Anita who?Anita use the bathroom, please open the door!
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